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Healing Prayers was written to encourage believers everywhere to pray, seek God, and stand on his word. This book has the types of prayers, types of postures and encouraging scriptures to pray according to the need or problem that you may be going through at the moment that you are experiencing it. It also informs you that when you search the scriptures that there are other reference scriptures that are not in this book to strengthen and encourage you.

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Healing Scriptures is written to inspire and encourage others that the Bible is real. The more you read it, the more understanding you will have and it will start coming alive in your spirit. By studying the word of God, you will strengthen your mind, your soul, and your spirit. I want to encourage believers to search the scriptures and then you will begin to see the promises that God has for you. Psalm 107:20 KJV tells us” He sent his word, and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions”. You don’t know what is in the Bible unless you search the scriptures.

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The book He’s Coming Like A Thief is to inform, enlighten, and bring awareness about the soon coming King. The warning signs are out there. Will you be ready? God’s word tells us that he wants no one to perish but that we should repent. He has a better place for us in heaven and (Jesus) went to prepare that place for us.

In this book, you will find scriptures to verify or prove that God’s Son is returning soon. But there are also other scriptures to show you how to position yourself and be ready for his return. You will have to pray without ceasing. Meditate and study the word of God because you want to be rooted and grounded in the Lord.

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The Bible tells us that we will suffer persecutions and have tribulations, but we have an advocate and an intercessor that stands in the gap on our behalf. Trust in the Lord and don’t give up.

Life happens, it is how we deal with it and what we do that will determine our outcome. Will you go through complaining or will you go through victorious? We already have the victory through Christ Jesus. 1 John 4:4 KJV says, “Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.”

If you have lost your faith or your hope, then I ask you to reconnect to the true vine, which is Jesus Christ the hope of glory. Revelations 3:20 KJV says, “Behold I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.” God is waiting on you and me.

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